Jules Pascin

"Come on, Guste. Don't be angry with me anymore."
"Never, you silly Serbian crown prince heir!"
Ein hartes Wort [A harsh Word] (recto)
Fragmentary Drawing of a Female Nude (verso)
1909 Paris
Pen and ink on paper
27 x 22.5 cm. (10 19/32 x 8 29/32 inches)
Signed lower centre
Atelier stamp lower centre
Succession stamp verso
Collection Samuel Josefowitz, Lausanne
Sale: Louiza Auktion, Brussels as Personnages attablés
Sale: Neumeister Auktion, Munich
Simplicissimus,, XIII, No. 44, February 1909, p. 748
Yves Hemin, Guy Krohg, Klaus Perls and Abel Rambert, Pascin:
Catalogue Raisonné, Vol. III, Editions Abel Rambert, Paris, 1990, p. 42, no. 46
Alfred Werner, ed., Pascin: 110 Drawings,
Dover Publications, New
York, 1972, no. 24 (titled Picnic)

Printed page from Simplicissimus
©2023 Jack Rozman